Nick Donato Master Chief Instructor
Professional Martial Arts Instructor - 2024 Celebrated 56 years in the Arts.
Author: Master Nick Donato's memoir, "The Journey of an Aussie Martial Artist,"
Celebrating 40 years in 2024 - teaching, training & educating the Community
Master Nick Donato has trained with some of the best instructors in Australia and overseas in a variety of systems and styles. He has taught, lectured, trained and tested / graded in many countries Australia, USA, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Taiwan & Korea

Master Donato began training in boxing as a boy in the late 1960’s with his great uncles who were boxers in the early days 1930’s and 40’s, then from 1973 – 1975 at the Penrith PCYC, and with Ted McKenzie; sparring partner of Jimmy Carruthers, World Bantam weight champion. At this time he was introduced to Martial Arts by a friend and in 1974 began training in Tae Kwon Do and Ju Jitsu under Steve Wilson at Warrimoo Community Centre.
He moved from Hazelbrook (Blue Mountains) to Campbelltown continuing in Tae Kwon Do under Grand Master Chong Chul Rhee and Geoff Stubbs in Rhee Tae Kwon Do.
He trained with Master Graham Johnston Tae Kwon Do ATI, which later became The Australian Freestyle Tae Kwon Do Academy.
1984 -1995
He trained with Master John Gallegari, Master Jim Sheedy and Andrew Darlington. During this time he met and trained under Sensei Ben Di Pede ( Kasso of Ben Kan Ryu & Yoshin Ryu Gi Nihon Ju Jitsu Judo, Kobujutsu / Kenjutsu until his passing in 2006, receiving a Menkyo in 1998.
Began training and teaching under Grandmaster Joe Onopa until his passing in 2010, when Grand Master Onopa’s family and other Grandmasters and Masters appointed him the Inheritor / International Director and Head of TKD Kwon Bop Do Federation

Professional Martial Arts Instructor - 2023 Celebrating 55 years in the Arts
A snapshot:
Founder of the Personal Defence Studios - The Pit
Kwon Bop Do Federation Inheritor Soke Dai (Founder Grandmaster Joe Onopa)
Kwon Bop Do Federation International Director / Examiner
WHFSC - (World Head of Family Sokeship Council) - Grandmaster Member
Ben Kan Ryuha Nihon Ju Jitsu / Kobu Jutsu, Okuden Menkyo - GO DAN (Master Teaching Licence Kaisso Sensei Ben Di Pede 1927-2006)
Bunbu Ichi Nihon Ju Jitsu Dan Certified - SAN DAN (Hanshi Les Harnos)
AJF (Australian Ju Jitsu Federation) - Member
ISKA - (International Sports Karate / Kickboxing Association) - Member
WKA - (World Kickboxing Association) - Member
Kojosho Dan Certified & Recognised (Hanshi Fred Absher)
IGOR (International Grandmasters of the Roundtable) Federation - (Grandmaster Onopa, Grandmaster Lenchus, Grandmaster Keller) - Member & International Co-Director
Registered Trainer CSA Combat Sports Authority NSW Government
Authorized Trainer ADFMAA Australian Defence Force Martial Arts Association
Australian Sports Commission - Community Coaching / Officiating
NCAS - National Coaching Accreditation Level 2
NOAS - National Officials Accreditation
1986 ACHPER (Australian Council for Health Physical Education & Recreation - Level 1 & 2
1987 ACHPER (Australian Council for Health Physical Education & Recreation - Level 3
Nominated for the 2018 'Pride of Australia' Award for Community Service in his Profession
August 2019 - Awarded Grandmaster of the Year - Australia. Awarded in the USA (WHFSC)
Australian Ambassador Sports Karate Museum
Australian Representative WMARA World Martial Arts Ranking Association
Australian Representative ITC International Tae Kwon Do Confederation

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