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Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00pm
If you love the ground Martial Arts, this is the art for you
It is Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) at its technical best - you will learn it all here - it's comprehensive and legitimate!

You will develop Unique close quarter combat techniques such as:
Joint Locking
Pressure Points
Weapons Defence
Hand techniques
Kicking techniques
realistic self-defence applications (we guarantee our teachings)
Passive and aggressive styles of realistic self defence
Weapons defence
Drill work skill sets on the punching bags
Focus mitts
Shield work
Overall body fitness, strength & flexibility
A good knowledge of human movement & body mechanics (many of our high school students excel at sport science subjects, leading to careers in fields such as: Physiotherapy, Health & Exercise Professionals)
Fight science
Confidence, self-respect & self-discipline
All classes are taught in an environment that is tech free & calm. Students are able to learn to focus and find stillness
You will learn to breath and understand breath management and the benefits it has with anxiety, depression, moods and feelings
You will learn how to connect their mind & body and the importance it has in everyday life.
We foster the attributes of Spirit, Courage, Loyalty & Devotion in all of our members. Life is not easy so building resilience, overtime will empower them to proudly strive to live a quality life enjoying all their goals & dreams.
No one is anyone's grappling dummy here!