St Marys Centre Enrolling now...
Members have access to an awesome Blackbelt team of Instructors and leaders with more than 20+ years of experience and knowledge!

Location: St Marys Community Centre, Great Western Hwy & Mamre Road, St Marys (St Mary's Corner Precinct)
Family & Adult Classes
Instructor: Mr. Mitchell Thompson
Phone: 0430 955 436
Classes: Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7pm
Kids Classes - Primary Aged & Mat Ninjas (3-5yrs)
Instructors: Miss Crystal & Courtney Cavanough
Phone or text 0422 292 653 for bookings and Information
Primary Aged classes:
Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6pm
Mat Ninja (3-5 years) classes:
Mondays 4:30-5:00pm (during school terms)
Instructors: Miss Crystal & Courtney Cavanough
Phone or text 0422 292 653 for bookings and Information
Our PIT Crew have been teaching men, women & children and serving the community, business, families & members since 1984.
Super stimulating classes and lots of fun, fitness skill development learning Tae Kwon Do, boxing, kickboxing, ground defence and wrestling, hands-on self-defence and fundamental combat skills along with social skills, respect and self-confidence and self-discipline.
In your trial session & every other session you enjoy, you will walk away learning new skills & something new about you! We guarantee our teachings.
KWON BOP DO TAE KWON DO, SELF DEFENCE & FITNESS – Realistic, proven, certified complete martial arts System.